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Play Every Day update: Want to buy a healthier drink? The claims on the front label don’t always match the facts on the back

Get Out and Play. Every Day.

Want to buy a healthier drink? The claims on the front label don’t always match the facts on the back

AUGUST 24, 2022 — Want to improve your chances of going to the store and buying a healthy drink? Spend more time reading the back of the label than the front. When walking the aisles in a grocery store, all we can see is the front of packaging for foods and drinks. The front labels don’t always have the facts, and instead are likely to show images and words that imply the drink is healthier than it is:
  • The drink includes natural flavors.
  • It has 100% Vitamin C.
  • The front label shows pictures of fruits and vegetables that aren’t actually in the drink.
Look for images or words on front labels that may imply a drink is healthier than it is.
Look for images or words on front labelsthat may imply a drink is healthier than it is. We shop with the best of intentions, but the front of labels can mislead us. Families buy certain drinks because they believe those drinks are healthy based on words or images they see on the labels. Many times, those drinks actually have high amounts of added sugar. Serving these drinks to kids, often every day, can lead to . In 2022, lead authors from the Harvard, Johns Hopkins and University of North Carolina Schools of Public Health that showed most fruit drinks and flavored waters purchased by families with children ages 5 and younger included words or images on the front labels “that may lead consumers to believe the beverages are healthy and natural.” It’s not a common practice for all of us to turn those drinks around (about 40% of Americans say they ). Adding that step in the store, however, will reveal more about a food or drink. The Nutrition Facts label on the back of a drink gives the true list of ingredients and — which can be . “Alaska’s has been creating messages to help Alaska parents spot misleading words and pictures on sugary drinks and then pick healthier drinks for their families, like water and plain milk,” said Katie Reilly, program manager of Alaska’s . “A survey of Alaska mothers shows that about 1 out of 3 preschoolers drinks some type of a sweetened beverage every day. Cutting back on added sugar helps kids prevent cavities and unhealthy weight gain during their early years and type 2 diabetes and heart disease as they grow up.”

Most fruit drink labels have claims that could be misleading

Alaska parents say sweetened fruits drinks are a common type of drink they serve their young children. That includes drinks sold as sweetened powdered mixes or liquids in boxes, bottles, cartons or jugs. The Play Every Day campaign has been creating and to help parents better understand and spot them in stores, and then choose healthier drinks like water or plain milk instead. Here’s what the earlier-mentioned showed after the Schools of Public Health examined claims and images on the front labels of drinks bought by hundreds of households with children ages 5 and younger:
  • Most fruit drinks (73%) made claims about nutrients that could be misleading. One of the most common claims was that the drink contained some amount of Vitamin C.
  • Almost half of fruit drinks (44%) included images or text on the front label that appealed to children.
  • Almost half of fruit drinks (47%) included claims like “contains juice” or “made with whole fruit.”
  • Almost all fruit drinks (94%) showed a picture of a fruit or vegetable on the front label. Most of these drinks, however, did not have fruit or vegetable juice or juice concentrate as a first or second main ingredient.
“Strikingly, 40% of fruit drinks and 88% of flavored waters depicted a fruit/vegetable on the (front of the label) that was not included at all in the ingredient list as a juice or concentrate,” the study said.

Better health comes when you cut back on added sugar

Sugary drinks of all kinds are for most people’s diets – regardless of their age. Limiting added sugar in drinks and foods can improve health, which is why many health organizations recommend cutting back on sugar. agree sugary drinks aren’t recommended for children ages 5 and younger. For the best health, the recommend children younger than 2 have foods and drinks without any added sugar. The healthiest drinks for children ages 1 and older are water, plain white milk or fortified unsweetened soy milk. These national guidelines also recommend that older children and adults limit added sugar to a small amount — less than 10 percent of the total calories they consume every day. That means an adult consuming 2,000 calories a day should limit daily added sugar to 200 calories or 50 grams of sugar —which is the same as 12 ½ teaspoons of sugar. “You can drink 12 1/2 teaspoons of sugar very quickly,” Reilly said. “Just one sugary drink, like a 20-ounce bottle of soda or a fruit drink, can have about 16 teaspoons of added sugar. That’s more sugar than is recommended in an entire day for most of us. Checking the backs of labels and looking for the amount of added sugar can help us choose drinks and foods with no or low amounts of sugar.” Choose foods and drinks without added sweeteners. You’ll know that’s the case if the “Includes Added Sugars” line says 0 grams.Choose foods and drinks without added sweeteners. You’ll know that’s the case if the “Includes Added Sugars” line says 0 grams.

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Celebrating what's served on the plate: Serving the youngest Alaskans local, traditional foods / Play Every Day Update

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Celebrating what's served on the plate: Serving the youngest Alaskans local, traditional foods

June 1, 2022 — Children as young as 3, 4 and 5 eat duck soup for lunch at King Cove’s Head Start. In Chevak, these preschoolers eat caribou stew. In the Bristol Bay Borough School District, the little ones’ families sit at the table to eat traditional foods together. That’s how child care and preschool programs are introducing Alaska foods and traditions to children at very early ages. That helps kids learn about and celebrate their cultures, and at the same time serves nutritious meals to children who are still exploring food and drink options. , and traditional Alaska foods meet that need. Serving local, regional foods to children as early as possible can help them learn to love eating these healthy foods for the rest of their lives. A child lifts a spoonful of delicious reindeer stew up to their mouth while the class eats lunch together.Children at Cook Inlet Head Start in Anchorage enjoy reindeer stew for lunch.

Traditional foods have become less familiar to children

Tracy Stewart is the Traditional Foods Program Coordinator with the Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association (APIA). According to Stewart, a survey conducted by APIA in 2002 showed a decline in the use of traditional foods, while obesity and diabetes increased. Traditional Alaska foods — such as fish, wild game and berries — are great sources of nutrients and healthy fats with no added sugars. Store-bought foods, on the other hand, are often highly processed with lower amounts of nutrients and higher amounts of unhealthy fats and sugars. “The nutritional value and benefit from traditional foods is important for the people in the region,” said Sue Unger, Wellness Lead at APIA. “It’s important for them to get healthy foods.” Stewart and Unger helped develop a traditional food curriculum for its Head Start programs. “We got feedback from the Head Start programs that a lot of the nutritional materials that were being used weren’t applicable to our region,” Stewart said. “It would give examples of a star fruit or a passion fruit, something that these kids had no access to and had never seen before.” Fish, however, is available at all Head Start sites in Stewart’s region, so she includes fish on lunch plates and in lesson plans. “The kids have really enjoyed the salmon unit and doing projects with them, like painted fish prints,” Stewart said. Original artwork "Tidal foods harvest" features an intertidal beach scene with chiton, seaweed and moreArtwork for the Qaqamiiĝux̂ Head Start Traditional Food for Preschoolers Curriculum, by Sharon Kay

Cultural, nutrition-focused education looks different everywhere it’s taught

Learning about traditional foods is as important as eating them. Child care programs across Alaska have created lesson plans that feature foods that are important in their regions. Lea Palmer is the Dietitian and Food Service Lead with the . They are trying their new Got Neqpiaq Traditional Foods Head Start Curriculum at 12 Head Start sites this year. “I love that this curriculum teaches children about healthy living in a way that is culturally relevant,” Palmer said. “Healthy living does not have to look the same for everyone. Every culture has healthy aspects. When those healthy traditional lifestyles are embraced in lessons, young children can develop healthy habits that will not only support their growth and development, but also help them develop a sense of connection to cultural values, community, and family, and a sense of self-identity.” RurAL CAP’s Got Neqpiaq, which means “Got Real Food,” curriculum focuses on healthy, traditional living in the Yukon-Kuskokwim region. Each themed unit teaches Head Start students the importance of eating healthy subsistence foods, staying active with traditional dancing and games, learning from family and elders, and connecting to cultural values. In the Aleutian Pribilof Islands region, Unger joined elders, community leaders and local traditional food experts to write a book to help preserve local traditional food knowledge and improve people’s health. Qaqamiiĝux̂ — which means “to hunt or fish for food and collect plants” or “subsistence” —includes information on harvesting, preserving, and nutritional facts, as well as recipes using foods of the Aleutian region. This book and information is the basis for the . Each lesson focuses on a local plant or animal and includes a poster showing how that food is harvested and preserved, fun activities, stories, and the Aleut “unangam tunuu” (language) and “unangax” (values). In the Bristol Bay Borough School District, Esther Pepin is working on a new curriculum for their Yup'ik and Dena'ina preschoolers. Pepin, the Early Childhood Director, said the district is designing meaningful play materials, such as small-sized plexiglass and wood ulus. “The felt fish we were able to make with a 3-D printer are a big hit with the kids,” said Pepin. Child care sites and schools must meet the Alaska Food Safety and Sanitation Program , including how foods should be harvested, prepared and stored. Many traditional foods must be donated, not purchased, so programs work with community members to get the donated foods they need.

Learn more through Alaska traditional food resources

There are many resources to help child care providers teach young children about traditional Alaska foods:
  • has a section on including traditional foods for child care providers.
  • The Women, Infants, and Children Program (WIC) has a “” video and mini-magazine series featuring blueberries, cranberries, fiddlehead ferns, fireweed, rhubarb, salmonberries and sourdock.
  • The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium Wellness Program has video series that highlights harvesting and cooking traditional foods from around the state.
  • The Alaska Department of Fish & Game has information and lessons on Alaska’s wild animals and fish for .

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Play Every Day update: Getting kids back in the game

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Getting kids back in the game:

New Alaska program removes cost and other hurdles preventing kids from joining activities

APRIL 27, 2022 — Teachers like Abe Salmon can see when their students need something that’s keeping them out of an activity. The physical education teacher in Wasilla knew kids would be cold when he took them outside for class, given many didn’t have coats. As the wrestling coach at Wasilla’s Redington Sr. Junior and Senior High School, Salmon could see some students were lacking a key piece of gear: special shoes that can cost up to $100. Finding the money to buy the coat or cover those wrestling shoes was too much for many families. “Sometimes even that is a barrier to competing,” Salmon said. “If I can take that barrier out the way, I will.” Salmon wanted to put these kids at ease, help them not worry about the cost. Join the wrestling team, he said, and we’ll figure out the need for shoes once we get rolling. Salmon figured it out by working with a new program in Alaska called the , which is run through Alaska’s nonprofit Healthy Futures. Throughout the year, staff consider and approve to provide scholarships that help children ages 5–18 participate in activities, buy sports equipment, get basic clothing items and more. This winter, Salmon filled out an application to cover the cost of shoes and new protective head gear for his school’s wrestlers. The next month, his application was approved. This year, paying for the cost of shoes wouldn’t prevent a student from joining Salmon’s wrestling team. And that’s the whole point of the Game Changer program: Remove whatever hurdle is blocking a child from participating, and then get them back in the game. A group of two dozen New Halen Runners practice for a cross-country meet.The Basics program provided running shoes to help a rural school host its first cross country running meet.

Creating the Game Changer program

The goal of Game Changer isn’t new in Alaska, but the name is. During the past year, took over a long-running program that was called The Basics and then expanded it, renaming it the Game Changer fund. The Basics was a nonprofit program founded and run for almost a decade by Pam Skogstad. Skogstad, who lives in Hope, is a physical education specialist with about 30 years of experience adapting PE for children of all abilities in Alaska’s public schools. From the beginning, The Basics set out to improve equity in terms of youth participating in healthy physical activities. What could it provide to ensure more kids could participate in activities and sports? Skogstad knew the need was there for a program like The Basics. A nurse at a Mat-Su school let Skogstad know a student got off the bus wearing only socks. Another student wore bags taped around their shoes to keep them from falling off. The Basics worked with school districts and professionals across Alaska, including counselors, teachers and nurses. Those school leaders would hear about a child in need and request help through The Basics. Each time, the request was discreet, minimizing the chance a child would feel singled out or recognized as someone in need of shoes, coats or other items. Five MatSu students line up together in the school gym to show their brightly colored sneakers to the camera.The Basics program sent gym shoes to elementary-age students who needed them in Mat-Su Borough schools. Between 2012 and 2021, The Basics helped 10,000 students in school districts from Dillingham to Kenai to Mat-Su. The Basics was able to fill these needs due to funding and support from partners, including the Mat-Su Health Foundation, ConocoPhillips, GCI, and others. Over the years, The Basics supported so many students that success stories started stacking up. A rural Alaska school needed gear to outfit a cross country running team. If they had that gear, they could compete and host the school’s first invitational cross country meet. The Basics provided the team with shoes and the meet was scheduled. “Being able to put on a meet has immediate and long-term benefits for youth, their families and communities,” said Kayla Williamson, who worked with The Basics. An Alaska wrestling team had enough students to compete, but they couldn’t afford the gear. The team was from a Title 1 high school, which means the school serves a high percentage of students from families with lower incomes. The Basics provided wrestling shoes and gear to the team. “The team went on to win the state championship,” Williamson said. Winning a championship is success enough, but Williamson said that win can lead to other wins for student athletes. It could improve their chances of earning a scholarship for college, building healthy habits and simply boosting confidence. In recent years, The Basics faced challenges staffing its volunteer board. Skogstad and board member Rick Hansen looked for a way to continue the work through another organization. “I couldn’t just walk away from the need,” Skogstad said. Hansen helped connect Skogstad with Healthy Futures. Harlow Robinson, executive director for Healthy Futures and the Alaska Sports Hall of Fame, worked with board members to take over the role of The Basics, believing it fit with the Healthy Futures mission to make it easier for all Alaska children to build the healthy habit of daily physical activity. Then Healthy Futures hired Williamson, who had worked with The Basics and would now oversee the Game Changer program for Healthy Futures.
Healthy Futures Logo: Alaska Sports Hall of Fame

How to apply

Healthy Futures considers Game Changer applications throughout the year. Any adult can apply — a teacher, principal, coach, nurse, or parent — but the scholarship must go toward helping a child ages 5–18. Each request must be $500 or less, Williamson said. , which are then considered by a small group that includes a Healthy Futures staff member, a board member of Alaska Sports Hall of Fame, and a representative from Healthy Futures’s partner on the project – Alaska’s News Source. Each application includes a brief summary of the need, how the scholarship will be used, and academic accomplishments for the students involved. Needs can vary, which means one application may ask for covering the cost of a bus trip to a cross country running meet, and another may ask for help flying a sports team to a competition they otherwise couldn’t afford to attend. Applications could request help to pay for a student to take a class that builds their skills in a physical activity, or could request gear, like shoes and other clothing. Sometimes, just one pair of shoes is all it takes to open up possibilities.

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*TODAY* Public Health Webinar Series: Introduction to Alaska Division of Public Health's new Healthy and Equitable Communities Unit - Tuesday, April 19, 2022

CDPHP Webinar Series 

Public Health Webinar Series: Introduction to Alaska Division of Public Health's new Healthy and Equitable Communities Unit

for our webinar. The State’s Section of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion continues its webinar series today Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 1 p.m. During the webinar, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services presents an Introduction to the Division of Public Health's new Healthy and Equitable Communities Unit focused on improving health equity for Alaskans. Learn more about their efforts and ways to work together to improve health for Alaska adults and children. Maria Caruso and Addy Peters of the Healthy and Equitable Communities Unit will be presenting. The Section’s webinars are free and short — lasting about 20 minutes apiece, with 10 additional minutes for questions and answers and to explore ways we can all work together.   for and watch this webinar. Do you have a question about the webinar series, or do you have an idea for a future webinar about work being done by the Section, or its partners? Please to let us know more. bottom color bar Visit the  for more information about the section and our mission to identify and advance the conditions that lead to safe and healthy lives for Alaskans. You are subscribed to for Alaska DHSS.

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Public Health Webinar Series: Introduction to Alaska Division of Public Health's new Healthy and Equitable Communities Unit - Tuesday, April 19, 2022

CDPHP Webinar Series 

Public Health Webinar Series: Introduction to Alaska Division of Public Health's new Healthy and Equitable Communities Unit

for our webinar. The State’s Section of Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion continues its webinar series at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, April 19, 2022. During the webinar, the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services presents an Introduction to the Division of Public Health's new Healthy and Equitable Communities Unit focused on improving health equity for Alaskans. Learn more about their efforts and ways to work together to improve health for Alaska adults and children. Maria Caruso and Addy Peters of the Healthy and Equitable Communities Unit will be presenting. The Section’s webinars are free and short — lasting about 20 minutes apiece, with 10 additional minutes for questions and answers and to explore ways we can all work together.   for and watch this webinar. Do you have a question about the webinar series, or do you have an idea for a future webinar about work being done by the Section, or its partners? Please to let us know more. bottom color bar Visit the  for more information about the section and our mission to identify and advance the conditions that lead to safe and healthy lives for Alaskans. You are subscribed to for Alaska DHSS.

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